Scadenze 2024 dei Consorzi di Bonifica

All real estate owners (land or buildings) related to consortium district CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA ROMAGNA, will receive in May the yearly payment notices. 


We underline that it is possible to pay "FREE AND EASY" at all La Cassa di Ravenna S.p.A. branches

Click HERE  to find out which ones are closest to you.


- For information on how to pay, click  "HOW TO PAY" Area

- For more information click "FAQ"

For information about Real estate co-owners, an hereditary succession, property sale, type of taxes, etc. click "CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA ROMAGNA" Web sites

All real estate owners (land or buildings) related to consortium district CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA ROMAGNA OCCIDENTALE will receive in May the yearly payment notices. 

- For information concerning how to pay, go to the "HOW TO PAY

- For more information go to the "FAQ

For information concerning Real estate co-owners, hereditary succession, property sales, type of taxes, please go to CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA ROMAGNA OCCIDENTALE website.

During April 2018 will be sent the payment notice (avviso di pagamento) related to the 2018 taxes, due to CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA PIANURA DI FERRARA by all real estate Owners, (related to lands or buildings present into Consorzio district).

2018 NEWS

From 2018 CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA PIANURA DI FERRARA taxes, will be cashed in two installments of the same amount, on 30th of April and on 31st of July. For amounts up to 50 euros, there will be a single payment, due on 30th of April.

- For infomation concerning how to pay, go to "HOW TO PAY"

- For more information go to "FAQ"

For information concerning Real estate co-owners, hereditary successions, property sales, type of taxes, please go to CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA PIANURA DI FERRARA website.

Gruppo Bancario La Cassa di Ravenna

Gruppo Autonomo di Banche Locali
LaCassa Ravenna
Banca di Imola
Banco di Lucca
Sifin Italia