Our mission

The main activities carried out by SORIT S.p.A. are:
• Taxes collection on behalf of local authorities and other public and territorial companies (Comuni, Province, Consorzi, Comunità Montane, etc.);
• Collection of taxes as IMU, TARSU / TIA / TARES, on behalf of local authorities;
• Collection and management of public taxes, on behalf of local authorities;
• Collection of taxes on behalf of Consorzi di Bonifica;

• Collection of taxes for registrations to Professional Ordini and Collegi;
• Support activities to local authorities for payment and assessment of taxes as ICI / IMU and TARSU / TIA / TARES;

• Provision of related and complementary services for local taxes collection (WEB services, legal advices, IT products, etc);

• Activities and services for local public multi-utilities companies (collection, payment reports, optical data collections, etc.);

• Management of administrative activities and collection of fines due to breaches of Codice della Strada rules issued by Polizia Municipale (data entry, notices and fines processing, fines press and reporting, voluntary and coactive collection, reporting, etc.);

• Credit collection and recovery activities carried out in accordance with ordinary civil proceedings;

• Coactive collection by "ingiunzione fiscale" in accordance with the procedures of R.D. n. 639/1910;

• Support activities to local authorities for coactive collection by "ingiunzione fiscale".

Gruppo Bancario La Cassa di Ravenna

Gruppo Autonomo di Banche Locali
LaCassa Ravenna
Banca di Imola
Banco di Lucca
Sifin Italia